Montevideo is the capital and largest city of Uruguay. It is located on the south coast of the country, on the northeast shore of the Rio de la Plata. This city has often been rated as the city with the highest quality of life in Latin America, having occupied this rank each year during the last decade.


Client: The municipality of Montevideo needed a solution to optimize the urban waste collection service in the city. So they decided to implement the solution IoTsens Smart Urban Waste Managemen. A system that works through ultrasonic sensors installed inside the containers to collect data in order to make the service more efficient.


Objective: To have relevant information in real time for the management and optimization of the containers in particular, and of the collection system of services of the city of Montevideo in general.


Architecture: Taking advantage of the existing network in the area, the Sensor-Platform communication used for this project was M2M (Machine to Machine). Using the mobile telephone network, we add a SIM card to each sensor that searches GSM coverage to send the data received to the platform. Subsequently, due to the municipality’s request, the IoTsens platform sends the data to the Fiware Platform thanks to the integration developed.


Result: Through an optimized track tracking system, the municipality can manage its fleet of trucks avoiding unnecessary routes when the containers are not completely full. Also, Montevideo now has relevant and complete information on the location and condition of the city’s containers.


Why IoTsens: The IoTsens Smart Urban Waste Management Solution provides efficient waste control. Making the collection truck route more efficient and allowing the container filling levels to be known, reducing gas emissions and noise levels.


Knowing the temperature of the container gives the opportunity to prevent the proliferation of bacteria, odors and other unhealthy inconveniences. In short, the Smart IoTsens Urban Waste System improves the quality waste management, avoiding the accumulation and prolongation of litter on public roads, making the city a healthier and cleaner place to live.

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